Blog: Services

dog services

Overweight Help

Pet obesity is a common health problem that may be caused by genetics, high fat diet, overeating, lack of exercise and health problems such as hypothyroidism. Common health problems associated with obesity are lameness and arthritis, diabetes, exercise intolerance, overheating, increased anesthetic and surgical risk.

Senior Care

Veterinary care, exercise, and nutrition all play a part in the quality of your dog’s life. Prevention is the best medicine, which includes regular wellness exams, which provide early detection and treatment plans to improve the quality of life and longevity for your dog.

Neutering and Spaying

Unless you plan to breed cat, it should be spayed to prevent pregnancy and unwanted kittens, or a male should be neutered to prevent undesirable sexual behaviour.

dog services


Saying goodbye to our cherished family pets is a difficult time for our clients, and Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital has a private room for the end of life procedure. When you are ready to say goodbye, a sedative is administered and allowed to take effect over the next ten minutes….