Blog: Services


At Mill Bay Veterinary Hospital, we believe to ensure your dog’s long and healthy life, vaccines should be utilized to protect against the diseases we know can cause fatal or serious illness and prevent transmission of disease to humans.

Ginger cat makes snarl-looking face to the camera

Senior Care

As cats age, certain disease processes are more likely to occur, such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, overweight, mobility loss, and dental disease. Many of these diseases can be treated or their progression slowed down with early detection. Annual wellness exams and nutrition play a big part in maintaining a…

cat services

Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are a common problem on Vancouver Island due to our mild weather. These external parasites can cause skin issues and transmit diseases to both pet and their owners.


Fecal Exam

Many cats are prone to harbouring internal parasites. Blood sucking hookworms live in the small intestine and can cause anemia. Other parasites include roundworms and tapeworms, that live in the intestines. Persistent dry coughing can indicate the presence of lungworms. The symptoms of internal parasites may include diarrhea, anemia, weight…